Displaced Selves

Conducted Online
Sept 4: Eavan Boland, “A Woman without a Country” (2013), Seamus Heaney, “Making Strange” (1984)
Sept 11: Apuleius, The Golden Ass Books I-VI
Sept 18: Apuleius, The Golden Ass Books VII-XI
Sept 25: Maryse Condé, Belle Créole (2001)
Oct 2: Michael Powell, I Know Where I’m Going (1945)
Oct 9: Isak Dinesen, “Babette’s Feast” (1958) Gabriel Axel, Babette’s Feast (1987)
Oct 16: Aimé Césaire, Notebook of a Return to the Native Land (1939)
Oct 23: Tommaso Landolfi, The Autumn Story (1989)
Oct 30: Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Ali: Fear Eats the Soul (1974), Mati Diop, Atlantics (2019)
Nov 6: Christopher Isherwood, Berlin Stories (1945)
Nov 13: Jonas Carpignano, A Ciambra (2017), Mediterranea (2018)