Category: Journal

  • Christmas with Césaire

    Christmas with Césaire

    Amândio ReisUniversidade de LisboaDecember 2020 (Para ler este texto em português, clique aqui). In his most celebrated work of poetry, Notebook of a Return to the Native Land (Cahier d’un retour au pays natal), French writer Aimé Césaire speaks of a return to the island of Martinique, where he was born. Considering his choice of words, we may assume a return is less grounded, and more haphazard, than the return would be. It…

  • Seamus Heaney, “Making Strange”

    Seamus Heaney, “Making Strange”

    Seamus Heaney’s “Making Strange”, from Station Island (1984), has served as one interpretive touchstone for our latest workshop on the theme of “Displaced Selves”. Heaney’s meditation on how identity is informed by the experience of travel, the tensions of cultural exchange, and the affordances of intellectual encounter, enriched our understanding of the texts and films…

  • COMPASS: our journal is born!

    COMPASS: our journal is born!

    We are happy to announce the birth of our journal! Compass is a multidisciplinary and multilingual online journal that collects the ideas and experiences of PhDs, researchers and professors on an annual theme. Compass is born within the experience of INCH (International Network for Comparative Humanities) but is also directed to all scholars as well as non-academics with an interest in…